Index of legal movement in relation to business
Interested tax news
Supreme Court Judgment No. 8335/2559
Are Revenue Office letters regarded as administrative order?
Ministerial Regulation No. 331 (B.E. 2560) Issued under Revenue Code on Revenue Exemption
Notification of Director-General of Revenue Department
The Taxpayer of Personal Income Tax, a Company or Juristic Partnership and the Payer Deducting Withholding Tax Must Have and Apply the Identification Number to Practice under Revenue Code (No. 6)
Notification of Director-General Governing Value Added Tax (No.215)
Rules, Procedures and Conditions Regarding the Filing Application for Value Added Tax Registration and the Issuance of Value Added Tax Certificate
Notification of Director-General Governing Value Added Tax (No.216)
Forms, Rules, Procedures and Conditions Regarding the Informing of Value Added Tax Registration Amendment and the Issuance of Amended Value Added Tax Certificate
Director-General Notification Governing Income Tax (No. 306)
Rules, Procedures and Conditions on Reduction from Income Tax Rate for income derived from an employment contract of an executive, a specialist or a researcher as an employee in the company or juristic partnership conducting a target industry
Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department On Income Tax(No. 309)
Rules, Procedures, and Conditions to Exempt Income Tax for Interest of Deposit Money in Banks within Kingdom, Especially the Interest of Fixed Deposit Money, of which the Period is a Year Upward
Ruling No. GorKhor 0702/4185 Date 29 June 2017
Withholding tax in the case of income derived from a provident fund
Ruling No. GorKhor 0702/4444 Date 7 July 2017
Stamp duty in the case of a hire of work