Tax News No. 256 April 2018
The Measures of Reduction of Value Added Tax
The Royal Decree issued under the Revenue Code
Governing Revenue Exemption (No.684) dated 30
Septumber B.E.2562 (2019) shall come into force as
of 1 October B.E.2562 (2019) following the date of
its publication in the Government Gazette. There
shall be extended period of value-added tax
reduction in 1 year by still maintaing at 7
percent since 1 October B.E.2562 (2019) to
30 Septumber B.E.2563 (2020) .
Immigration Bureau has developed of Application
for convenience in various operations.
Immigration Bureau has deveploped mobile
application for convenience to people , Foreigners
and Operators who can efficiently using on
applications as folllow :
– Section 38 : The styems of notification of
residence under section 38 of the Landlord .
– eTM6 : Filling out the form TM6. Before arrive –
depature in to Thailand .
Immigration eServices for Foreigners to
Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90
days (TM.47)
Application can be download from Apple app
Store or Google Play Store.